Delayed from block confirmation
You can check if you've input the correct deposit information and your transaction status on the blockchain. If your transaction is on the blockchain, you can check if your transaction reaches the required confirmation numbers. You will receive your deposit amount once it reaches the required confirmation numbers.
Fail to reach the minimum deposit amount
Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you deposit at least the minimum amount which you could find on our Quantia deposit page. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.
Deposit different cryptos
Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you've selected the crypto supported by the corresponding platform. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.
Incorrect address and network
Before you submit a deposit request, make sure that you've selected the network supported by the corresponding platform. Otherwise, it could lead to deposit failure.
Combined deposits
When you want to do a deposit, make sure you submit only one deposit request each time. If you submit multiple requests into a single deposit transaction, you'll not receive your deposit.
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